Who we are
The Macosko Lab is headed by Evan Macosko, M.D., Ph.D.
Evan is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. The lab is located within the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.
He received his doctorate from The Rockefeller University, where he worked with Cori Bargmann (C. elegans neuroscience). His postdoctoral work was in Steve McCarroll’s lab at HMS and the Broad Institute. Evan is also a board-certified psychiatrist, and practices in the MGH outpatient clinic one afternoon a week.
Current Lab Members
Join Us!
We are seeking scientists interested in working at the exciting interface of genomics, technology development, and neuroscience. Candidates with backgrounds in molecular and circuit neuroscience, bioengineering, and computational biology are especially encouraged to apply. Contact emacosko {at} broadinstitute {dot} org to learn more.
When we’re not in the lab…

Lab Alumni
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Donnelly Center
Currently a professor at Trinity College Dublin.